Archive for ‘UI Tips’

December 20, 2011

Interesting Article: The Rise and Rise of JavaScript

imageI’m a big fan of computer history, and especially the history of the Web. Anybody remember LiveScript? Well, folks, that’s what Netscape – remember them? – called JavaScript before they licensed the name from Sun. If you’re only starting to get into JavaScript development, you’re lucky – the beginnings of it were horrible, plagued with incompatibility and lots and lots of swearing.

I came across a great article about JavaScript and its beginnings and where it is now. It’s always good to know the past, which will prevent problems in the future, or so we hope. Enjoy the read.


April 8, 2011

New Visual Studio Add-In Released: Lipsum 2010 with Damsun 2010!

If you ever have to add Lorem Ipsum text to your Web pages or to test data, we’ve made it a lot easier for you!

Users of Visual Studio can now download Lipsum 2010 for Visual Studio 2010 and automatically generate Lorem Ipsum text just by typing “lipsum…” in any code or HTML/XML/XAML editor window.

As a joke, you can also use “gangsta lorem ipsum” by typing “damsun…”

Download it free today at:




February 4, 2011

UI Quick Tips #1: Beveled Lines

When we stare at flat surfaces all day long it’s  refreshing when a user interface creates the illusion of a physical object. Sometimes all it takes are a few subtle effects to create this illusion. Even if the effects are not directly noticed, they can still invoke a  “This looks good and I don’t know why…” sort of feeling. That is our goal.

This is the first of a series of blog posts covering easy tricks that can be used the create the subtle illusions of form.

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